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Office of Mental Health

Licensed Program Type Definitions

Visit the Find a Program page to view any of the following programs by county.

Please refer to Title 14 of the NYS Codes, Rules and Regulations to obtain more specific program definitions/information.

Licensed Outpatient Programs

  • Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) - ACT is a comprehensive and integrated set of psychiatric, psychosocial rehabilitation, case management and support services. These services are provided by a mobile multi-disciplinary mental health treatment program mainly in the client's residence or other community locations.

  • Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Program (CPEP) - A hospital-based program which offers/provides access to crisis outreach, intervention, and residential services; and/or provides beds for the extended observation (up to 72 hours) to adults who need emergency mental health services.

  • Continuing Day Treatment - Provides adults with serious mental illness the skills and supports necessary to remain in the community and or work toward a more independent level of functioning. Participants often attend several days per week with visits lasting more than an hour.

  • Day Treatment - Integrates mental health and age-appropriate education services for children and adolescents living in the community until they can attend regular classes. It usually operates five full days per week during the school year and on a curtailed schedule during the summer. It may or not be school based.

  • Intensive Crisis Stabilization Center - A center that provides urgent treatment to individuals experiencing an acute mental health and/or substance use crisis. The center provides voluntary crisis treatment services, with an emphasis on peer and recovery support, and provides, or contracts to provide, behavioral health stabilization and referral services 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Recipients may receive services in an Intensive Crisis Stabilization Center for up to 24 hours.

  • Mental Health Outpatient Treatment and Rehabilitative Services - A program for adults, adolescents, and/or children which provides an array of treatment services for assessment and/or symptom reduction or management. Services include but are not limited to individual and group therapies. The purpose of such services is to enhance the person's continuing functioning in the community. The intensity of services and number/duration of visits may vary.

  • Partial Hospitalization - A program for adults or adolescents which provides active treatment designed to stabilize or ameliorate acute symptoms in a person who would otherwise need hospitalization.

  • Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS) - A comprehensive recovery-oriented program for individuals with serious mental illness. The goal of the program is to integrate treatment, support, and rehabilitation in a manner that facilitates the individual's recovery.

  • Supportive Crisis Stabilization Centers - A center that provides support and assistance to individuals with mental health and/or substance use crisis symptoms. Services are for individuals experiencing challenges in daily life that do not pose a likelihood of serious harm. The center provides voluntary services with an emphasis on peer and recovery support, and provides, or contracts to provide, behavioral health stabilization and referral services 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Recipients may receive services in a Supportive Crisis Stabilization Center for up to 24 hours.

  • Youth Assertive Community Treatment (Youth ACT) - A program designed to address the significant needs of children ages 10 up to 21, who are at risk of entering, or returning home from high intensity services, such as inpatient settings or residential services, through the use of a multi-disciplinary team.

Licensed Residential / Housing Programs

  • Apartment, Support Community Residence - Provides adults an apartment in the community and staff visits as necessary to address behavioral or environmental issues and to provide supportive services designed to improve or maintain the resident's ability to remain in the community.

  • Apartment, Treatment Community Residence - Provides adults an apartment, in the community with staff visits as necessary to provide rehabilitative services designed to improve functioning and develop greater independence.

  • Children and Youth Community Residence - A single site residence that provides group living for six to eight children and or adolescents. The program provides a supervised, therapeutic environment which seeks to develop the resident's skills and capacity to live in the community and attend school/ work as appropriate.

  • Congregate, Support Community Residence - A single site residence that provides group living for adults, three meals per day, 24 hours per day supervision/staff, activities geared toward maintaining or improving functioning.

  • Congregate, Treatment Community Residence - A single site residence that provides group living for adults, three meals per day, 24 hours per day supervision/ staff, and rehabilitative activities.

  • Crisis Residence - A single site residence designed to provide 24 hours per day supervision, generally for up to 30 days, to adults or children/adolescents experiencing acute symptoms or a temporary disruption in community supports. Services are designed to avoid hospitalization and return the resident to a stable environment.

  • Teaching Family Home - A home which provides specially trained teaching parents who provide individualized care for up to four children/adolescents with serious emotional disturbances at a time in a family setting.

  • Service Enriched Single Room Occupancy - A program that provides adults private living units at a single site; and on-site staff and support activities to assist residents to negotiate routine challenges of living in the community.

Licensed Inpatient Hospital Programs / Hospitalization Programs

  • Inpatient Treatment Program - A 24 hours per day hospital-based program which includes psychiatric, medical, nursing, and social services required for the assessment and or treatment of a person with a primary diagnosis of mental illness who cannot be adequately served in the community. Programs are offered to adults, adolescents, and/ or children by general hospitals, private hospitals for the mentally ill, and state operated psychiatric centers.

  • General Hospital Inpatient Programs - 24 hours per day inpatient treatment programs that are jointly licensed by the New York State Office of Mental Health and the New York State Department of Health and operated in medical hospitals.

  • Hospital for Mentally Ill Persons Inpatient Programs - 24 hours per day inpatient treatment programs that are licensed by the New York State Office of Mental Health and operate in private hospitals that provide behavioral health services exclusively.

  • Residential Treatment Facility (RTFs) for Children and Youth - A 24 hours per day inpatient treatment program which provides intensive treatment services to children and adolescents age 5 up to 21 who need longer term treatment than would be provided on an inpatient psychiatric program operated by a general, private mental hospital, or state psychiatric center.

Comments or questions about the information on this page can be directed to the Bureau of Inspection and Certification (BIC).