In accordance with Mental Hygiene Law, Rules, and Regulations, a Comprehensive PAR application is required when a service provider or proposed provider seeks to establish a new program or make significant changes to an existing, licensed program.
OMH is pleased to announce, effective immediately, a revised Comprehensive PAR review process, under Part 551, available to current OMH providers of service. OMH has developed a fully electronic version of the Comprehensive PAR Application component of the Mental Health Provider Data Exchange (MHPD), which providers currently use to submit Administrative Action and EZ PAR applications. The new submission process provides paperless communication between the applicant and reviewers and enables providers to submit applications and attach documents necessary for review of their projects.
After April 1, 2018, PAR applications from existing providers should no longer be submitted by mail. Providers may now initiate a Comprehensive PAR request at the Facility and Program levels from the Directory Search screen by clicking on the “CPAR” icon. A new tab, Comprehensive PARs, has also been added to the toolbar for tracking projects.
New Providers, please note that a procedure is also in development for the access and submission of Comprehensive PAR applications from prospective providers. Until that process is finalized, new Applicants should continue to use the paper comprehensive PAR application process to request OMH program certification.
Please contact Rudy Arias at the Bureau of Inspection and Certification (518-474-5570) if you have any questions.