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Office of Mental Health

Young Adult Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Expansion

The Office of Mental Health (OMH) announces the availability of funds for the development of three Young Adult ACT Teams:

  • Two teams in New York City
  • One team in Rest of State


Update 9/8/2023

Q: What is the current Medicaid reimbursement rate per month being used in the model provided and is there a collectability percentage that is being used?
A: The State does not share or publish the underlying model assumptions for the assertive community treatment (ACT) program. While providers must meet regulatory standards, the models are only used to determine a fair and equitable rate based on regional claim history, fiscal reporting, and other considerations as necessary. The State expects providers to use the rate as calculated to develop a budget based on the provider’s own assumptions, experiences, and research. The published ACT rates can be found posted on the OMH Medicaid Rate webpage; please note that the 1/1/23 and 4/1/23 rates are still pending review and approval.