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Office of Mental Health

Specialty Mental Health Care Management in Health Home (Adults)

Effective March 8, 2021, only CMAs designated by the Office of Mental Health (OMH) as Specialty Mental Health Care Management Agencies (SMH CMAs) are eligible to enroll newly referred individuals meeting HH+ SMI eligibility criteria. Only Specialty MH CMAs with authorization by the State, LGU and lead Health Home(s) can accept referrals, serve and bill HH+ for individuals on AOT.

Health Home Plus (HH+) is an intensive Health Home Care Management (HHCM) service established for defined populations with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) who are enrolled in a Health Home.


All designated and provisionally designated SMH CMAs will need to submit their program information into the MHPD.

Specialty Mental Health Care Management Agency List (August 2021)
Identifies SMH CMAs who receive HH+ referrals and are able to provide HH+ levels of service. This is a temporary list, please verify any information in here with the CMA prior to sending referrals.

Attestation for Designated Specialty MH CMAs (February 2021)

Specialty Mental Health Care Management (SMH CM) Announcement Power Point Presentation (February 2021)

Request for Specialty Mental Health Care Management Agency (SMH CMA) Designation (March 2021)

SMH CMA Designation Kickoff Webinar Power Point (February/March 2021)

SMH CMA Provisionally Designated Kickoff Webinar Power Point (February/March 2021)

SMH CMA Questions and Answers (May 2021)


Health Home Plus for High-Need Individuals with Serious Mental Illness Program Guidance (Re-issued December 2024)
Effective September 2021, adults discharged from a State Psychiatric Center or Central New York Psychiatric Center corrections-based mental health unit and residing in a State-operated residence located on PC campus grounds are no longer restricted from receiving HH+ services.

Adult BH HCBS Workflow for HHCM (January 2022)

Please refer to the Administrative Fee Payments to Health Homes for OMH State-Operated former TCM Programs for information on how OMH will calculate and pay the administrative fee to Health Homes for OMH State-operated former TCM Programs converting to Health Homes. (February 13, 2014)


For information and all other questions on Health Homes,
visit the New York State Department of Health (DOH) Medicaid Health Homes pages.

DOH Medicaid Health Homes

DOH Policy and Standards page

Health Home Tracking System File Specifications

Special Edition of the Medicaid Update: Introducing Health Homes: Improving Care for Medicaid Recipients with Chronic Conditions

Contact DOH Medicaid Health Homes