Emotional health matters for children and teens. It can affect their educational development and ability to connect with friends and family. Emotional health can also affect their ability to cope with life's setbacks.
In New York, we offer a range of services to help identify emotional health needs and to provide treatment or support. Children can and do recover from even the most serious emotional disturbances.
OMH Services for Children and Families
Learn more about treatment programs, residences, and community support services.
Children’s HCBS Waiver
The Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver provides services and support to children with mental health needs in their home and community.
Easy Access Forms
Use these forms for Children's Single Point of Access (C-SPOA) coordination and Youth Assertive Community Treatment (ACT), Children’s Community Residence (CCR), and Residential Treatment Facility (RTF) services.
Find a Mental Health Program
Use this directory to find a program in your area.
Children's Medicaid Managed Care Transition
Learn more about the transition of New York's health care delivery system for individuals under 21. Subscribe to the Children's LISTSERV®
NYS County Contacts
Directory of CLMHD regional representatives, including C-SPOA contact information.
Project Teach
Provides maternal and pediatric primary care clinicians with consultations, mental health referrals and other resources.
OMH Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) Criteria
Definition of SED in New York State.
Families Together in New York State
Providing New York families with support and advocacy.
Federation of Families
Offering families a voice in developing national policy, services, and supports for their children with mental health needs.
New York System of Care Family Toolkit
The Family Toolkit provides resources for parents and caregivers, offering a step-by-step process to address concerns about their child’s behavior and development.
Sesame Street in Communities
Discover games, videos, and more on topics important to you and your child.
Mental Health is Health
This initiative aims to normalize conversation, create a connection to resources and inspire action on mental health.
Transition Age Youth
A compilation of resources for young people transitioning to adulthood, their families and service providers.
Youth Power!
Working to ensure young people have meaningful involvement on all levels of the services they receive.
Mental Health and Wellness Information
Resources to help New Yorkers understand mental wellness, cope with everyday stress, and stay resilient.
Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens
Learn more about bipolar disorder: what it is, how it is treated and how you can help your child or teen.
Suicide Prevention in New York Schools
This guidance outlines best practices for school districts to help protect the health and safety of all students.
Teen Depression
Depression is real. Know signs and symptoms of depression and how to ask for help.
Comments or questions about the information on this page can be directed to the Division of Integrated Community Services for Children and Families