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Office of Mental Health

OMH Official Policy Manual

Table of Contents

Introduction - Policy directives contained in this section relate to the purpose and use of the manual.

Sec. # Section/Directive Date Issued
I-100 Introduction/Preface 03/14/2016
I-200 How to Use the Policy Manual 08/28/1987
I-300 Cross Reference – Statutes and Standards 08/28/1987
I-500 Listing of Procedure Manuals 08/28/1987

Administration - Policy directives contained in this section relate to the management of general agency and institutional functions associated with public relations, legal issues and system review and inspection.

Sec. # Section/Directive Date Issued
A-250 Personal Privacy Protection Law 12/20/1984
A-405 Governing Body Requirements 08/28/2013
A-450 Naming Institution Buildings After Individuals 05/30/2024
A-500 Medicaid Compliance Program 06/20/2023
A-800 Audits of OMH Facilities, Programs and Units 08/29/2024
A-3001 Introduction to 3000 Policy 08/25/2023
A-3002 Officer Conduct and Ethics 08/25/2023
A-3003 DCJS PEACE Officer Registry, AADIS, Annual Validation and Decertificaion 08/25/2023
A-3004 Safety Officer Training 08/25/2023
A-3005 New Employee Orientation by Safety Officer 08/25/2023
A-3006 Pre-Shift Briefing 08/25/2023
A-3007 Weapon Control: Firearms/Pepper or Oleoresin Capsicum Spray 08/25/2023
A-3008 Use of Emergency Vehicles 08/25/2023
A-3009 Fixed Posts 08/25/2023
A-3010 Foot Patrol 08/25/2023
A-3011 Mobile Patrol 08/25/2023
A-3012 Searches for Contraband 08/25/2023
A-3013 Maintaining the Department Blotter 08/25/2023
A-3014 Lost, Missing or Stolen Reports 08/25/2023
A-3015 Communications Systems 08/25/2023
A-3016 Accident Reporting - Patient, Employee, and Visitor 08/25/2023
A-3017 Missing Patient Report 08/25/2023
A-3018 Criminal Histories 08/25/2023
A-3019 Uniform Regulations 08/25/2023
A-3020 Badges 08/25/2023
A-3021 Body Armor 08/25/2023
A-3022 Safety Officer Recognition 08/25/2023
A-3023 Use of Force 08/25/2023
A-3024 Responding to Crisis Situations 08/25/2023
A-3025 Use of Baton 08/25/2023
A-3026 Use of Handcuffs 08/25/2023
A-3027 Arrests 08/25/2023
A-3028 Fire Alarm and Suppression System Inspection 08/25/2023
A-3029 Fire Alarms 08/25/2023
A-3030 Fire Evacuation Drills 08/25/2023
A-3031 Fire Extinguisher Inspections and Maintenance 08/25/2023
A-3032 Fire Investigations 08/25/2023
A-3033 Building Inspections 08/25/2023
A-3034 Family Care Inspections 08/25/2023
A-3035 Security Systems and Protocols 08/25/2023
A-3036 Interim Life Safety Measures 08/25/2023
A-3037 Emergency Management 08/25/2023
A-3038 Bomb Threats and Suspicious Packages 08/25/2023
A-3039 Hostage Situations 08/25/2023

Operational Management - Policy directives contained within this section relate to the process of managing agency and facility personnel, maintenance, and support functions.

Sec. # Section/Directive Date Issued
OM-200 Workplace Violence Prevention Program 05/30/2024
OM-225 Domestic and Gender-Based Violence and the Workplace 12/28/2022
OM-250 Nepotism 05/30/2024
OM-300 Criminal History Reviews 04/08/2024
OM-350 Outside Employment 05/30/2024
OM-400 Employee Vaccination Programs for Hepatitis B 05/30/2024
OM-403 Occupational Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens 02/11/2009
OM-405 Employee Housing 05/17/1990
OM-410 Response to Traumatic Events 10/23/2003
OM-660 Use of Safety and Security Devices for Transport Purposes 08/05/2014
OM-720 Testing of Water Temperature in Residential Building and Daycare Centers 02/08/2002
OM-740 Record Retention Periods 01/18/2022
OM-1000 Information Security - Repealed. Reissued by CITER's Information Security Policy (contact OMH Information Security Officer). 10/01/2010

Patient Care - Policy directives contained within this section relate to the activities required to ensure that effective treatment is provided to patients in OMH operated facilities and programs within a secure and environmentally safe environment.

Sec. # Section/Directive Date Issued
PC-050 Safe and Therapeutic Environment Program 07/01/2004
PC-060 Visiting at OMH Facilities 07/31/2014
PC-075 Mealtime Safety/Prevention of Choking 12/02/2013
PC-310 Access of Psychiatric History Information 03/15/1995
PC-315 Medicaid Certification of Need for Patients Under the Age of 21 05/17/1990
PC-400 Discharge and Conditional Release of Patients to the Community from Adult State Operated Psychiatric Facilities 05/09/2019
PC-401 Discharge and Conditional Release of Patients to the Community from State Operated Children's Psychiatric Facilities/Units 05/09/2019
PC-402 Discharge of Patients from State Operated Residential Programs for Adults 05/09/2019
PC-450 Procedures Following The Death of a Patient 04/13/2015
PC-502 Cultural and Linguistic Competence (PDF version) 05/08/2012
PC-515 Tardive Dyskinesia, Tardive Dystonia and Tardive Akathisia 06/04/2024
PC-520 Inpatient Programs 10/28/2013
PC-522 Staff and Client Use of Shared iPads 05/17/2024
PC-523 Shared Device and Support 05/17/2024
PC-525 Patient Sexual Activity 01/13/2010
PC-527 Employee/Patient Relationships 7/17/2017
PC-530 Medication Orders "p.r.n. for agitation"   Repealed. It has been replaced by the Clinical Guidance issued by the Chief Medical Officer. 04/29/2010
PC-540 Acupuncture Treatment - Repealed 12/15/2011
PC-605 Emergency Medical Services System 05/23/2012
PC-610 Pharmaceutical Services 04/18/2016
PC-615 Referrals 04/14/1987
PC-620 Pastoral Care Services 08/29/2024
PC-701 Seclusion and Restraint 10/14/2022
PC-711 Patient Search 06/16/2004
PC-800 Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Card Oversight in Residential Programs 10/03/2016
PC-801 Social Security Benefits 04/16/2024
PC-1050 Family Support Services 05/11/1987
PC-1200 Hospice Care Services 08/23/2017
PC-1405 Smoking Policy 03/22/2004
PC-1412 Management of Blood Borne Pathogens – HIV/AIDS Testing and Notification Requirements 06/18/2019
PC-1500 Peer Advocacy 11/06/2024
PC-1600 Facility Gender Identity and Gender Expression Nondiscrimination Policy and Protocols for Interaction with Transgender and Gender Non-Binary Patients 06/23/2020

Quality Assurance - Policy directives contained within this section relate to the activities required to monitor that effective care and treatment is provided to patients within OMH operated facilities and programs.

Sec. # Section/Directive Date Issued
QA-400 Medical Records 02/28/2014
QA-410 Access of Division of Criminal Justice Service Records 07/03/1995
QA-500 Complaint Resolution Process 05/08/2023
QA-505 Medical Ethics 05/23/2022
QA-510 Clinical Risk Management and Incident Management Plans UNDER REVISION PENDING CHANGES TO 14 NYCRR PART 524 12/30/2009
QA-515 Facility Responsibilities Regarding Child Abuse and Neglect 08/29/2024
QA-520 Missing Person 05/09/1996
QA-530 Reporting Requirements for Events Which May be Crimes 12/05/2012
QA-535 Sentinel Events 01/01/2024
QA-545 Medicaid Compliance and Corrective Action – Repealed – Please see A-500 Repealed
QA-602 Use of Personal Cell Phones and Recording Devices in Facilities 4/30/2015
QA-615 Access to Clinical Records by Qualified Persons - Repealed - Please see OMH Privacy Policy Manual Repealed
QA-620 Access to Information by the Media - Repealed
Please see OMH Privacy Policy Manual
QA-800 Safety Committee Review for Provider Practice or Equipment Approval 11/20/2019

Research - Policy directives contained within this section relate to the conduct of research in OMH facilities and the management of any resulting inventions and technology.

Sec. # Section/Directive Date Issued
R-100 Patents, Inventions and Technology Transfer 11/07/2007
