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Office of Mental Health

OMH Field Offices | Patient Safety Standards Guidelines | BHSA Council

E-Z Prior Approval Review (PAR) Demonstration Video Transcription

Transcription Date: December 15, 2010
Length of Audio: 55:14
Transcribed by: Paul Murray

Speaker: Joe Cranney

Hello everyone and welcome to the technical portion of our program today. I am Joe Cranney and before I begin I’d just like to say what a pleasure it is to be here again with the providers- a great group of professionals. My normal duties here, I work with you frequently, daily really, and I know firsthand what a great, dedicated and skillful group you are.

Now, the software this year, the E-Z PAR software, is very similar to the piece we unveiled last year, written also by Donald Fernandez who did a superb job in both cases. And if you are familiar with the administrative action piece then I know you will have no trouble navigating E-Z PAR.

It is just as the administrative action is; it’s very intuitive and very clear and what to do in consecutive order and how to navigate once you’re out there.

So let’s take a look at this software:

Ok, let’s begin of the beginning. First we log in; when you go to the Mental Health Provider Data Exchange (MHPD) homepage and click on the MHPD link you will get this Salute Log-In, in which you will insert your credentials, which is a good thing to bring up because if you don’t have your MHPD credentials you need them to do any of these things. You need them to do E-Z PAR, administrative actions, change requests – anything involving MHPD, so if you don’t then go to the self-registration link on the page, on the homepage, and begin that process so you can get your credentials. Once you have the credentials you put them in:

 [pause as the credentials are entered]

And you are faced with this little Salute Log-In and action bar here. Behind this action bar is the magical, mystical, wonderful world of E-Z PAR, which we will soon see. It takes a while for it to load up, find it up there, but it just found it. Once that is done, you can actually get rid of that Salute thing if you want to. You are done with that.

Ok. Now here is a sample directory search page that you would see, but you know, with different content obviously when you log in. And the PAR business is over here amongst the icons. Now the PAR icon has been inserted between the Administrative Action icon and the “View” icon. And every line that has a “PAR” icon on it is subject to E-Z PAR treatment. So, notice that the top is the facility line. That is one flavor of the E-Z PAR. And then down on the program line, which is identical, by the way, the program and the main site are the same thing. They are there for convenience but if you click on either of these for this particular program, you are going to get the same screens. These other PARs though are on the satellite level and if you click on those you will get another type of E-Z PAR that refers only to the satellites and the changes that you want to make to those.

So those are basically the three flavors that we are going to be dealing with and other little ramifications. Let’s start up at the top with the facility one which is the most sweet thing and widest one of them all.

Click on the icon and when you click on the icon you get a page with some options on it. Here are PAR facilities, this is E-Z PAR facility line. There are two, three, different things on here that you can do. You’ll see them here, these are links. There is the “submit E-Z PAR facility”, there’s “Establishment of a Program” and “Change of Sponsorship”. These are all wide things. In the case of E-Z PAR facility its change of ownership greater than 10%. In the case of establishing a program, say a new licensed program.  In the case of change of sponsorship, acquiring a site license under other sponsorship. This is something that is done from time to time, usually with coordination with the Field Office where one agency will acquire the sponsorship of either programs or just individual sites that are currently sponsored by another agency. When this transfer is made the acquiring agency will submit the E-Z PAR.

So let’s start at the top here with E-Z PAR facility. The first, the top of the first page, E-Z PAR facility. The top of the first page along with floating menu here, these are the options that you will see on every one of these floating menus. You can save these E-Z PAR, in which case all you do is save the data and you put it into your own E-Z PAR queue. You can save and submit the E-Z PAR when you are really ready to send it, or you can just back out all together with a close without saving or submitting and all that will do will just bring you back to the directory search page.

Now at the top of all of these E-Z PAR items, you are going to see a letter of support section. Please attach fax or mail the letter support from the county or counties required for the E-Z PAR. Counties are a big part of this process and the letter of support is a component of the E-Z PAR. It needs to be included.

These are the four ways you can include it. If you have it on your workstation as a file, you can browse out to it with the browse button. Click on that, you will get a browse window and browse and attach it just like you would in an email.

Further on down, once you’ve got that done, please explain why the letter of support will not be provided. That in cases when none of these are checked, well actually the last one is checked, letter of support not provided, you need to put a reason in there.

And further on down, I’m not going to fill in any of these now, but we will be doing a sample submission later on with actual dummy data thrown in there.

Ok, so it starts out with E-Z PAR options – this little section here. And change of ownership, click the drop down. You say “yes”. Anticipated date, let’s just say for the heck of it 12/01. Proposed changes…now another feature in MHPD that you need to remember all the time is that anything that starts out with an asterisk in front, that’s a required field. You can’t really get out of this screen without saying something in there. You would either have to say “yes” or “no” change in this case and so on. They are all that way. So you really need to put in the proposed changes. You’ve got a text area where you just put in your own text and explain that basically, just describe it.

This other thing that happens a lot of time when you have drop-downs in E-Z PAR is you are going to see another screen section open up. Now if you are used to using administrative actions then I’m sure you’ve seen this process before because it’s sometimes not intuitive because you have to actually scroll down quite a ways to see this special section. But there always is one. So you say you need to go down to it. In this case it’s right there.

Current Stockholders…Now here you just go into the text areas and you put the current stockholders name, percent of shares before and after. Will shares of stock anytime you see a drop-down you automatically click it…it’s a “Yes” or “no” drop-down. Is the stockholder a natural person? In other words if it’s not a real person it could be a corporation or a partnership or something like that. Anyways you say ‘yes” or “no” to that. And then right down here in the corner there is a “plus” sign…whenever you see a green plus sign in E-Z PAR it means that if you click that it will add another item to whatever you are working on. In this case, after you’ve filled in the current stockholder number one, if you click that it will allow you to put in current stockholder number to. Same thing with the new stockholder.  Once again you just fill in the areas as percentage...just 1% of shares after change and then go down and just add to the questions – Has the stockholder been convicted of a crime, etc, yes or no. These are all yes or no drop-downs.

Once again, the green plus sign. If you have to add another new stockholder there it is. That’s pretty much the special screen area. After that, these are standard screen areas – Mailing address for supporting documents and requester information. They are always there.

Fill those in and you can save the E-Z PAR when you are done with that. Then in fact we are going to go back to the top here. That is the E-Z PAR facility. There really isn’t anymore to that. It’s a very simple section because it really just involves changes of ownership. Once you fill in the information you can save and submit the E-Z PAR and then it will fly out to Central Office here and it will be reviewed. We’ll get to that process later on. That’s another thing that we’ll show you about the statuses and the whole process after you submit it.

So that was that. We are going to close without saving or submitting. Like I said this will bring you right back to the directory search page.

Let's go back into the opening screen for facility because I’d like to show you the next item there. Which is the “establish a program”. This is the establishment of a licensed program with an E-Z PAR. A delightful little feature, I’m sure you’ll agree. It will really streamline this process. All these thing and as always start out with the letter of support from the counties.

The next screen options – E-Z PAR options fill in all the text areas: Rational, Impact, all these Impacts, Supporting documents...Now with the supporting documents there is a little grid here where you can select the document and then indicate right here whether it’s going to be attached to this submission, or faxed, or mailed, or not provided, or not applicable. For each one of those you have all those options. If it’s on the machine, once again there is a brown button there to go and browse for the document and attach it.

Now here is where you are going to set up both the program itself, the main site, and also the satellites all in one fell swoop. What you would start with here, I’ll show you this section later, but you begin with the program name. We are just going to call this program name, Program One. Then you would fill in the address and so forth. But we are not going to bother with that right now. We are going to go straight to the program type here. And we are going to – let’s say this is going to be a clinic treatment program at 2100. You click the drop-down – these are all the available licensed programs. Click clinic treatment- there it is, it appears there and now what we do…What we can do…If we are just going to set up a main site here we would keep on piling on the information. The primary site here is automatically yes because it is always the main site when you are doing the program.

Proposed open date, you would click that in there. Is this location within the same building or other, you just click that and say yes or no. We’ll pick now, no ramifications for no. Yes, ramification. If you say yes to this. Other Tenants in the building please identify all the other tenants and you would fill that. Now we are going to save now, again.

Will the property be leased or owned by the provider. Let’s say leased. No ramifications. Owned, no ramifications. But you do have to select one or the other.

Capital Construction Project, no. No ramification. Yes, ramification. That opens up another screen section – Capital Construction Project. And go to each section in turn, they are all starred, and select the project type by clicking the checkbox, put in the dollar amounts there. And down here the funding source – break down the funding source by the funding source provider and put your numbers in the boxes.

Is the property leased or owned? Let’s assume that we did that. Leased…Owned…That’s all there is to it.

Is the program co-located? You say no, it’s nothing but if you say yes…well yes or no…no ramifications either way. Just simple answers to questions. And describe the project and section on recipient and staff safety. Describe how the program will handle services to ensure recipients and staff is no exposed to any danger.

Done with that section, you go down…These are the standard sections now below this. Let’s go back up and collapse this though. We’ll just say it’s not a Capital Construction project so we can simplify the screen.

These other sections are standard program information sections that need to be filled out. Proposed capacity caseload or volume of services…fill in the numbers. Caseloads are individuals and volume of services are visits.

Population served…pick one or two or three as the case may be. And special populations as applied and optional services as applied…And then just move down and fill in the days/hours of operation by putting the starting and ending times in the boxes. There’s secondary time and comments and so forth.

Once you have all of those filled in you can pretty much save the E-Z PAR and we are going to do that right now even though we didn’t fill anything in really. But we filled in the essentials. Program names and the program type have to be filled in order to get some action in the screen section above.

E-Z PAR’s been saved. Scroll back down. You’ll notice now that my program – program one is in the program line of the programs and sites.

Now…here’s where you can add satellites, which is established your program you can go up here and click the green plus sign…to put in Site information.

Now we’ve already done the main site, which is the program and this screen section now opened up for site information when we click that green plus sign and you’ll see now the primary site says no – it’s hard coded that way because it’s definitely a satellite. But otherwise you fill in the other information exactly as you would the main site and answer the questions as you would the main site. Although it has fewer questions.

We went over these already and they are really the same thing. The Capital Construction project opens up with the screen sections…Put in your caseload, your populations, and otherwise the same. And once you’ve done that…I’m going to put in just a site name here, we’ll just say Satellite One.

And let’s just save the E-Z PAR.

E-Z PAR has been saved. And now we’ll drag it down to the section again and you’ll see now I have Satellite One established in my program site list. We have one new one though, so click the green plus sign again and we’ll say Satellite Two… and save the E-Z PAR. After…in real life having filled out the things that apply to Satellite Two…say ok…and then back down again and we see there they are.

Now the Red X that appears means that you can back out of those if you want to. Let’s say you did one by mistake you can remove that site.

If you want to get the program, the main site – the program back again, there is an edit pencil right there on the program line…you can click that and, bingo, you get your program information back again. Let’s say that you said, “Oh I have to make some changes to that.” You made some changes or something and there it is.

Same thing with these, you can click on the edit pencils on any one of these and go back in and tweak the information that is in there. So there you go. You’re done; you’ve set up your program and set up a couple of satellites. Now at this point you would probably be ready to…save and submit the E-Z PAR. And it will fly away.

That’s pretty much in that with the program, the establishment of a new program…A lot of data entry but basically, logically simple.

Ok, let’s go back to our menu screen again. Now, we now want to do one more thing up there on the facility line. SO let’s select PAR again…and open that up. The final thing here is a tricky little number called “change of sponsorship”. Let’s go there.

Same stuff at the beginning with the letter of support…E-Z PAR options…effective dates, just…for the heck of it put a date in there. Rationale? Needs changes for that, that’s very specific…and then down here what you would do…now the point is, you know, to get a handle on the concept here…When you are filling the screen out you are the acquirer of the program sites or hold programs. So the first thing you would do is you would fill in – this is something that is ordained ahead of time by consultation with Field Offices and things like that, but once it’s been decided that this can be done, all you are trying to do now is establish yourself in the database with your new program sites.

You would click this field for operating certificate number. I am going to use one that I’ve been told is a good example for this…boy I hope it is. Once I’ve established that and I save it…It didn’t do what I wanted it to do.

Let’s click the plus sign for a second and it wants me to put that in. Ok, let’s do that again.

 Ok, that’s in.


That was the key right there; clicking the green plus sign again fills in this site’s information and this is a satellite site. The reason why I know that is because of the letter B on the end. Main site always has the letter A there. Anything after that in the alphabet is a satellite site.

This is the, you know, Albany Medical Center Duvall Clinic. We can back out of this if we want to with the Red X. We can also look at it, but once we’ve established the information down here. But now that it’s at the top and set up we would go in here and put our change of sponsorship drop-down – say yes to that. And then what this is folks, is this is a kind of trimmed down version of the kinds of information that you would normally do in a E-Z PAR or Administrative Action for a program site. It’s just that it’s being provided her as a convenience. You don’t have to do this if don’t want to. You can do it later after the data has been established in your own database.

That’s another thing to bring up about MHPD in general. It’s not like a Change Request in MHPD. When you do a Change Request in MHPD, those changes once they are accepted – once they are approved of, go into the database immediately; it is automatic. But in the case of Administrative Actions and E-Z PARs they don’t. There is kind of a waiting process for that while the Central Office or the Field Office reviews those. And then finally when the decision has been made that this is a good thing or it is complete and there is nothing left to think about, then Central Office will put in the data. And update the database accordingly. But it doesn’t happen instantly with an acceptance. There is still a waiting period.

At any rate, you can add these things that you want to be part of the package by going down these drop-downs and putting in “yes” or “no” change as the case may be.

There is another feature on here that is interesting and that is that if I had selected a main site that I was moving over here, in other words an operating certificate (OC) Number with an A at the end of it, you can actually bring over ten other sites, including entire programs rather, including their satellites this way too. You can change the sponsorship on a whole program. If you do that, all the satellites are brought over with the program. Then there are some cases where not all the satellites are being brought over with the program. You are going to pick and choose your search, search every pick, the satellites. You will need a way to exclude some of the satellites. That is where the “no change” will come in. If you are in one of these satellites and you click that, when you click “no change’ you have to put a reason for no change of sponsorship in the text area.

Once you’ve got all of this business filled in…the change of sponsorship has been established for either a whole program or program site, you would save and submit the E-Z PAR. Before I leave this screen, I’d like to make one note. There’s really a difference between Administrative Actions and E-Z PAR, even though they may look similar through the software. That difference is in the process of review and approval.

Administrative Actions are either supported or not-supported, which is not the same thing as Approved or Not Approved. E-Z PARs however are subject to either Approval or Not Approval. With Administrative Actions, if the actions are not supported, you could theoretically go ahead with it anyways but it would be risky to do that because then you might face a problem with auditing down the line. But in the case of an E-Z PAR, when you are not approved for one of these E-Z PARs the process ends right there. There is no after that – It’s a straight-forward, not approved or approved. Very much like a change request in the sense that it is either Accepted or Rejected.

Ok let’s leave this screen. We will go back to our directory search page. Now we’ve covered all three flavors, if you will, of the facility line for the E-Z PAR. Now we will go down to the program line and we’ll start with the main site – the actual program itself and we’ll click…Now we can either click this one here, which is on the program line itself; or we can click this one , which is on the main site itself. They are really the same thing so you will get the same screen when you click them.

This invokes this guy and at the top of the screen there is a lot of useful information about what constitutes an E-Z PAR treatment of a program as opposed to an Administrative Action treatment of a program. All these bullets, maybe a dozen of them, indicate what actions would call for an E-Z PAR. If you were to do them. Closing the program, for examples; requesting a waiver, and so on. Down the line you’ll see a Capital Construction for specifics on the money…the dollar parameters there indicate whether it is going to be an E-Z PAR. If it is below that then it would be an Administrative Action.

I am mentioning this because a lot of these things are similar to Administrative Actions and some of the screens are the same. But the user provider has to decide whether what he is doing is of a larger nature. It’s basically the magnitude of what you are trying to do, which makes the decision as to whether it is an Administrative Action or an E-Z PAR.

Down here there are some areas which are a little grey, I have to say, substantially changing the population served, the words substantially is not very clear here, but the point is that if you are changing a couple of things about your population served. You can probably do it through an Administrative Action. If you are changing the entire nature of the population served and all of the services provided, then it would call for an E-Z PAR.

Another thing to note here too, is that if you submit an Administrative Action, on the facility level it gets reviewed by the Central Office. On the Program level it gets reviewed at the Field Office. But an E-Z PAR, all the E-Z PARs, are reviewed at the Central Office. So it is possible that you might put in a change of population served that really should be an Administrative Action through an E-Z PAR. That will still be reviewed here. It will still be reviewed.

Ok. That’s useful to look over. Now let’s look at the options here: We’ve got two links here. Submit E-Z PAR Program is submit E-Z PAR “add site”. Now remember, this is for changing about the program. Possibly adding new sites to existing programs. What we just did on the facility level is actually establishing a brand new program and adding brand new sites.

Let’s click this link…[pause] and after the requisite letter of support section, we are met with some familiar looking, if you are used to using administrative actions, drop-downs. They are very similar to those. They are somewhat different tin nature. Like program closure, that would never appear in Administrative Action. Down below…once you’ve selected dropdowns, down below all of the subsequent sections have to be filled out. The effective date of change, the rationale, the impact, and so forth. Every time you select a positive option out of here, by that I mean any option other than no change, you are going to set yourself up on the new screen section.

So let’s start right at the top here with program closure. We are going to say “yes”. When you do that, automatically the others become “no change” as a convenience. They have to be closed anyway and if you have other things to do you can go down and change those, but otherwise you don’t have to go down anymore and click, no change, no change, no change.

The program information section is the divider, always, between these special screens. When you are doing programs. Here is the program closure information. Drop-downs – a couple. Is the provider leased? When you do it here, you do get some other drop-downs – some action out of that. Will the lease expire upon program closure? Say no, or yes. When you do that it…basically it’s a yes or no. I don’t think there are any special sections for those.

We will now say own. There is another special drop-down that is generated when you select own. Is there an outstanding mortgage on the property? No or Yes. If you say yes, another special section appears” What is the loan balance? Does the agency plan on selling the property? That’s another yes or no. Say no to that. Say yes to that. Then basically that’s a yes or no. That’s program closure.

Once you’ve filled in those things and go down to the next screen section: Closing Capacity caseload, you would put in your numbers here – your annual caseload, your annual volume. Last year to this year. And then go down and indicate the satellite sites that are impacted by the closure. Every one of these is automatically checked off. What you would do if the program site is not impacted, you would uncheck it.

If it is impacted you would put in explanations of…of the impact. If not, closing: please explain. If you are not closing the satellite, please explain. So you uncheck it and put in your explanation down here. They are all that way. Ordinarily when you close a program it closes satellites. The default is that they are going to be closed. If not you can uncheck them with explanation.

That ends the special screens section for closing a program. We’ll go back up to the top here and we’re going to unselect that now and move to relocation.

Yes there will once again will bring up a relocation section. Any time you see a beige area on these screens – what the beige areas are showing you is the existing database information – the things that are there already. You have the option in the text area to change those things. This relocation gives you the opportunity to put in a new address, program name can be changed. A couple of drop-downs here: relocation within the same building, yes or no. If you say yes to it, another section opens up. Other tenants of the building please identify. Will the property be leased or owned by the provider? Simple answers.

Then you’re finished with that.

Let’s unselect that and move to Capital Construction. We’ve already seen a Capital Construction section on the Facility Level. Let’s go down and see what this one looks like. It’s pretty much the same. You put in your project and you’re funding sources. You just fill in the areas with numbers. Is the property leaser or owned? Simple answers.

Then describe the project and recipient and staff safety, service continuity during construction period. Just put in text areas and explanations in text areas. And that will cover Capital Construction.

Change Program Type: Let’s see what is in store there. Special screens section is set up with change program type, which consists of the drop-down, which lists all of the available Office of Mental Health (OMH) licensed programs. Under the types of programs: comprehensive PROS, etc – just categories of programs. If you are changing the category you would go down and select the new category that the program will have. Then there’s a capacity caseload for the new program type which needs to be filled out as well. You would put in…check the box if you are going to close the program…or leave them open if you are not going to close the program. If I save the E-Z PAR…then go back down…

If you picked the program type that needs to be filled in with information you get the boxes with the capacity and caseloads and volume of services that you would fill in. If you close it then those are removed except for current annual case load and volume of services still need to be filled in. That works all the way down there…

Ok… Now standard reduced capacity…you have the option to, expanding we’ll start with. That will open an expanding screen section. Familiar screen here. If you put in some numbers, let’s just pop in some numbers…If you click the checkbox for the percentage of change it will automatically calculate what that is for you. Expect a total increase in total revenue after expansion is just a number total and a revenue source is also number totals.

Let’s reduce it now and see what we get there…Expansion/reduction – same type of thing. Only this time you would put in numbers for a reduction. Decrease in annual revenue after reduction, a number there and that will do it.

Change in optional services offered…This is a simple section. The top page part will show you the optional services currently being offered. The bottom part will either change that data…

And finally, change in hours. That’s a familiar screen too, which you’ve seen already on establishment of program end of it. Just the current schedules listed in the beige and schedule that you can alter is given below in open data fields.

That covers the drop-downs. The change in hours, by way of differentiation from the administrative action is that the administrative action is for small change in hours. For example just, maybe an hour or two on a given day where services are usually rendered. If you open up services on a whole other day like a Saturday. That is a major change in the hours of operation. That would require an E-Z PAR. Once again, it is always a matter of degree between those two.

And having filled in all the other areas, if you are now ready you can submit, save and submit, this E-Z PAR for the change in the program. But we will not submit it; we will go back to the screen here…Let’s go back on the program line and go down to the E-Z PAR add site section.

Adding a new site to the program: Letter of Support, E-Z PAR options. This is a smaller form. Rationale, impact, etc. The documents that are to be included with this and the site information. All of these areas need to be filled in. Proposed open date. Is this building within the same building where either OMH programs are currently located, yes or no answers. Other tentants of the building if you say yes. Will the property be leased or owned? Simple answers. Capital Construction Project, if you say yes. You get the familiar Capital Construction Project Screen section – by now familiar. Down below that, population served, special populations, optional services and days/hours of operation that need to be filled.

Having filled in all that information you may save and submit this, it’s finally accepted and put into the database, you’ll have another site in your directory search list that you will see.

We have reached the point now where we can go down to the third flavor of E-Z PAR. Which is just an E-Z PAR on a satellite site. Let’s go to the arcade here and click on the PAR button there. E-Z PAR site...familiar caveats here about what constitutes one of these.  And then submit E-Z PAR site here.

Under Support and then some E-Z PAR options, which are also familiar more or less from the programs and Administrative Actions have similar drop-downs. Satellites site closure? Say, yes. We’re going to close this baby, go down and put your rationale in, your dates, and site information, satellite site closure information section now opens up. General Plan from a closure, notification of a recipient, storage and retrieval of records all need to be filled in. But that’s it. No drop-downs, just information. Submit data when it is finally approved if it is. Add it to the database, then it will disappear from your directory search list.

Ok, relocation of site, or change to primary site…say yes. [pause]

Once again, the site name. This is a way of making a satellite into a primary. Will this be the primary site? It currently is no. If you said yes, that would be the change. And is it relocation within the same building? That is the same drop-down that we just saw. No or yes. And yes to other tenants in the building. Leased or owned?

These balloons are useful too as you see them as you are coursing through these screens. They are always nice reminders, things like that: please attachment fax or mail, label floor plan, for example, when applicable, please identify your agency. The MHPD is loaded with those little helpful balloons.

Capital Construction – we’ve seen those already. It is the same type of screen section. Expand or reduce – we’ve also looked at those screen sections. Change in operation, change in services – they’re the same as the ones you’ve just seen for the main site. That pretty much covers the site E-Z PAR, so let’s now go back to our screen.

What I’d like to do now, is I’d like to generate a submission of an E-Z PAR, so you can see how this process works. We’re going to do a real easy one. Let’s go to the main program here, the main site. Let’s submit E-Z PAR program. We are going to go through this and fill in everything now.

The letter of support will be mailed, so we won’t need to browse from anywhere. What we’re going to do is a simple change- change in population served. What we’re doing now though is we have to put in something in all of these fields. Rationale: we have changed our service. In fact on staffing we’re going to assume that there will be none. In fact on budget, none. Probably not realistic but…for the sake of this we’ll do this that way. Impact on recipients: none. Supporting documents: we’re going to mail a staffing plan.

Down below here we have to address the special screens section for population served. We’re going to indicate – this is truly an E-Z PAR and not an Administrative Action because we are going to move the services to adolescents from adults. We’re just going to have children served by our agency from now on. We’re not going to have any changes to the special population served.

So if we have done everything…let’s not do everything. Let’s leave something out so we can see what the program does when you do leave something out. Ok, we think we’re done. We’re going to save and submit the E-Z PAR. Please select an option or no change. See that there was more stuff that I forgot. That’s an easy one to forget. You have to go up and actually address all these other items even though you don’t care about them. You are not doing those but the software demands that you answer everything with a star by it. So here we go. Down we’ll go. Except for the one we are actually doing. And look, oops, I forgot my date. But let’s leave it out and see what happens. We’ve done that; we’ve done what they wanted us to… please enter the proposed effective date of change. Oh yeah we’ve got to put that in.

Ok let’s see if it’s happy now. Please indicate how the supported document Crisis Plan will be provided. Down here in all our supporting documents. Now, some of these aren’t required but the bulk of them are. You actually have to indicate them, whether they’re coming somewhere or another because they’re needed. So let’s assume that we’ve…we need all these; we don’t need the architect or engineer’s verification document. You have to put non-applicable if it’s not coming. The rest are all coming except that one and we’ll save and submit now.

Once you see this screen then you know that the golden gates have opened. This little Ok, you’ve chosen to submit this E-Z PAR, you know that you’ve satisfactorily, according to this software any, filled out the document and you say Ok. Then you get this little guy, which gives you a number – it assigns a number to the E-Z PAR. This is officially E-Z PAR #17, has been submitted to an MHPD administrator who will review it. Then you receive an email and that’s a good point to talk about now because all of these actions about the E-Z PAR just as with the Administrative Actions are accompanied by email notification. First of all you get an automatic email that you’ve submitted it and now it’s actually reviewed by someone you’ll get emails through the process whenever the status changes there will be email communication. This is good to reiterate to the review, the E-Z PAR review will begin when the required documents are received by OMH. Not all documents listed are required for all projects. Some documents may be required to complete a project but not be required for OMH to begin PAR review.

For example, certificate of occupancy, lease, or Architects verification. If required documents are not attached to this application please fax or mail the documents to the fax number below. That’s the section for mailing on all these screens. Ok we don’t have any problems with that.

Now we are left with the screen that the floating menu has changed now because we’ve done our data entry. If you look down on the screen now you’ll notice that what we’ve entered is all filled in and more or less hard-coded there. There are no open text areas. It’s not open for data entry. It is in fact no longer your data. It has come here and it’s become our data. At this point you can either subscribe to an email notification list. You have been added as an email subscriber to this E-Z PAR. Or you can unsubscribe if you don’t really want to. You have the option.

Once you’ve made that determination or not and done nothing there, you can close and that will bring you back to the directory search page. Ok now we know we have an E-Z PAR number 17 floating around out there with our change of population served data all in there. Let’s take a look at it.

You can do that by going to the top menu on the first page of MHPD. We happen to be on the directory search page. There is also my change of request, administrative action section and here is the new section E-Z PARS. Click on that. There’s a lot of E-Z PARs already in here from all over the place, but ours is number 17 here. It’s the one we just did. You can look at this through the view icon that is on the right. Let’s click on that. Open it up. And you’ll see pretty much the screen we just left. Everything that you have answered will be there displayed. The things in bold that were left out or crossed out, or that were eliminated were crossed out. Now there are no answers there. And there it is.

At the very bottom of the screen is a section for status history. This is good for anybody who has submitted E-Z PARs, because you can check/monitor the progress of your E-Z PAR by looking at the status history. It will always tell you what the status’ are, in this case it is submitted – we know that. I’m going to review those statuses now because there is a flock of them. There is about ten of them.

We’re going to close this and as these statuses’ change, the status history will change also. You as the provider can look at those anytime you want to, just by going into your MHPD and clicking on Administrative Action- finding it and opening it up.

Now on this page, you’ll the different type of status’s that there are. There are two, four, six eight, ten, eleven I think, or something like that. Anyways, what they mean is…save just means when you are on the screens and you are entering the data there is always an option on your floating menu to save the E-Z PAR, E-Z PAR saved. When you do that it creates an item and its status is saved. Let’s say you were working on your E-Z PAR, this big long and involved E-Z PAR and you get tired of working on it. So you just want to save it and then go back later and open it back up again. You can do that because when you open it back up again, it will be open for data entry because it was never submitted.

Submitted is the status for number 17 here that we just sent out there. That just means that it was submitted, that’s it. It hasn’t been touched in any other way it’s just been submitted. But it is closed for data entry as far as the user is concerned.

Re-submitted…let’s go back to re-submitted. Pending means that the reviewer has opened it and has looked at the contents of it. Returned means that the reviewer has looked at it and said “I need more information here”, or “I need some things corrected. There are a few problems”. If the reviewer changes the status to returned, it opens the E-Z PAR up to data entry again. The user, the provider will get an email indicating that the things that are required. The provider can go in and open up that E-Z PAR through the Administrative Action list and finish the work, or correct the E-Z PAR. E-Z PAR not Administrative Action. Although that has the same mechanism.

The review, let’s not even bother with that one yet. Let’s go to re-submitted. This is when the user, provider has fixed the things that need to be fixed and has resubmitted the E-Z PAR. Review means that the reviewer has done his preliminary review of it and he needs to open it up now for the Field Offices and the Counties to be able to look at and provide their input.

Approved just means that the reviewer and the whole process is finished. The E-Z PAR has been approved. There is approved with conditions. In this case it is sent back to the user. It remains open. It is pending approval, but certain conditions have to be met and the provider is told what those conditions are.  The most frequent example we use is the site visit. Some of the things for Capital Construction, for example, needs site visits to get the approval.

Not approved just means it didn’t pass the test. It is not approved and that will end the E-Z PAR.

Withdrawn means that for some reason, either the provider has decided to terminate the E-Z PAR or the reviewer has decided to terminate it, probably because they haven’t received requested information or documents or things of that nature. They can’t stay open forever; if there is tardiness on the part of the applicant then those can be withdrawn also.

Finally, we have On-Hold. The On-hold status is when the open E-Z PAR is being reviewed and there are things that need to be checked out on the E-Z PAR that are going to take a little more time. The status is put on hold so that it remains there in a kind of open state, but it not going to fall into the time frames that the E-Z PARs usually fall into. More work needs to be done on some side or other of the E-Z PAR, more complicated.

Those are the statuses. I think I’ve covered them all. As soon as we receive the documents from the users, from the providers, then the clock begins to tick for us to complete the process, to give it a status that will conclude it.

That concludes the examination of the E-Z PAR. A lot of detail here, but the logic is simple and straightforward, I think. It will streamline the process immeasurably. It was a pleasure presenting to you and have a great day. Enjoy using the software.